
recipes and musings

from Joe the Cook

Welcome to What Joe Cooks

I’ve launched this site with a handful of key concepts in mind. First, in the immortal words of Gusteau, the famed chef in the animated classic Ratatouille: “Anyone can cook!” With that in mind I offer you recipes that have consistently received “good reviews” from my family and friends over the years. All are recipes that you can execute with ease.

Second, in a quote ascribed to the immortal Julia Child, “Cooking well doesn’t mean cooking fancy.” Most of the recipes you will find here are suitable for “everyday” preparation, not just for a party or special meal.

And finally, as best described by the Irish genius Oscar Wilde, “Everything in moderation, including moderation.” You won’t see here only vegetarian or only gluten free, or even only healthy dishes. What you will see are things that I like to cook and that I like to eat – which hopefully is some of what you like to cook and eat too!


Don Giuseppe's Sicilian Soda Bread

A Sicilian take on the classic Irish Soda bread flavors. I replace caraway seed with fennel seed and golden raisins replace black raisins.  Then I add toasted pignoli and orange zest to round out the Sicilian flavor profile.


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